
To prepare barbecued food also inside the home

Hands up anyone who doesn't like BBQs, whether it's meat, fish or vegetables. Pepegrill was created to allow anyone to enjoy the taste of bbq'd food, at any time, no matter what space is available. Why should this be a privilege only to those fortunate enough to have a garden? Plus the fact that it always takes too long. This is the idea of Luca Civiero: he wanted to create a barbecue that was compact, suitable for use inside the home, and did not produce either smoke or bad smells
Pepegrill was the answer: a bbq for indoor use that allows anyone, even those with limit space or no garden, to prepare barbecues in the convenience of their own home. BBQ enthusiasts will no longer be limited by space or time: thanks to Pepegrill, a BBQ can be enjoyed anywhere, even in a small one-room flat, when it's cold outside and even when time is short. In just a few minutes your BBQ will be ready to be served and savoured, at any time.

Because it allows healthier cooking

Pepegrill is electric: cooking by radiation ensures an even distribution of the heat, ensuring food grilled to perfection! In just a few minutes, you can have low-fat cooked food, thanks to the fact that excess fat drains away into the trays below the grill. How about seconds, without any feelings of guilt?

Because it is really easy to use

The technology behind Pepegrill is simple but ingenious! Plug in, open the draw, pour a little water inside the trays, place your food on the grill, close and... your mouth is already watering!
Cooking by radiation ensures top results in just a fraction of time: the heating elements in quartz emit infrared rays and create heat, that is then reflected by the aluminium deflectors, enabling a more even distribution of the heat. And the result? Food is cooked perfectly and quickly! A bit of pepper and everything is ready. Buon appetito!

Because it has a practical design, suited to any setting

The design of Pepegrill is like Pepegrill itself: easy, trendy and essential and extremely functional at the same time.
Simple lines, wood and stainless steel: this is the essence of our barbecue grill. Small size, big performance.
You can choose your Pepegrill XL and Pepegrill M from a range of four colours to suit the style of your kitchen or garden. Pepegrill is also available with an aluminium finish... you're spoilt for choice!

Un contorno diverso: patate dolci alla griglia

Patate americane: non sappiamo mai cosa come mangiarle! Riscopriamole come contorno sfizioso per il nostro barbecue, con un'ispirazione dal nuovo continente...  

Conchiglioni ripieni gratinati alla griglia!

Una delle soddisfazioni maggiori per i virtuosi del barbecue è preparare quei piatti che non immagineremmo mai di poter fare sulla griglia. Come la ricetta di oggi: i conchiglioni ripieni ...  

Come si pulisce Pepegrill - basta un attimo!

Noi di Pepegrill lavoriamo per chi non ha un giardino. Questo non vuol dire che non amiamo il caro vecchio barbecue all’aperto. Ma c’è una cosa che non piace a nessuno: pulire il barbecue.

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